Automatic tracking

Low weight, low maintenance

12,7 / 7,62 mm machine gun

Day, night camera, laser sight

Modular system

Product Description:

GLADIUS 40 is a modern remote-controlled weapon station (RCWS) designed for a wide range of applications on armored vehicles, military vessels, and stationary platforms. It is intended for precise tracking and elimination of both ground and aerial targets using various weapon systems.

GLADIUS 40 is a flexible system with a modular design, allowing the integration of different weapon systems such as 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm machine guns, or 30 mm and 40 mm grenade launchers, in accordance with NATO and Eastern standards. This system can be customized to meet specific customer requirements regarding weapon configurations and sensors.

GLADIUS 40 is operated from an operator station equipped with a display, control panel, and joysticks. The weapon station is outfitted with an advanced observation and targeting system. For reconnaissance, targeting, and firing, it utilizes a day camera, thermal (night) camera, and laser rangefinder.